The Lok Yiu Wing Chun means simplicity. It considers the most direct way the only way to act upon. Consequently, the most difficult thing to do by those who start training is to think simple. If put in a fighting scenario, human beings have 2 necessities: get easily in a position of advantage and taking into consideration their physical space and their surrounding. Wing Chun resolves these issues because it gives the fighter the chance to act finding the most effective moves with the minimum energy spending. Let’s remember that the Lok You Wing Chun is not a martial art for display and gymnastic show. It is a real street fight kung fu style aimed to resolve any real case scenario of physical attack.

This is the most fascinating side of Wing Chun: because of what explained it can be applied but anyone, no matter age or sex.

The Lok Yiu Wing Chun gives every trainee the chance to recognize, develop, and take advantage of their physical and spiritual potentials. Naturally, the more a person trains consistently the more they deepen their knowledge and ability. Perfection is something to which everyone aspires but it can never be reached and in this, there is the most important lesson of the Lok Yiu Wing Chun: it never ceases to teach you something. The Lok Yiu Wing Chun aims to make the most of the human body.


The Wing Chun system as hand down by the Grate Master Yip Man is made of 3 forms: SIU LIM TAU, CHAM KIU, BIU TZE. These forms do not need any weapons. Then, there are 3 other forms that work, instead, with different weapons such as the wooden man, the long stick, and the double blades knives or butterflies. The first 3 forms, the most important ones, are: 

SIU LIM TAU: “The little idea for beginning”, is to be practiced throughout the practitioner’s lifetime. It is the foundation or seed of the art, on which all succeeding forms and techniques depend. It constitutes the base of the whole system and it’s the point to which always returns.

CHAM KIU: It focuses on coordinated movement of body mass and entry techniques to “bridge the gap” between practitioner and opponent, and move in to disrupt their structure and balance. It extends what has been learned previously and offers a larger scope of movement and purpose and it also teaches methods of recovering position and centerline when in a compromised position where Siu Nim Tau structure has been lost.

BIU TZE:  It is composed of extreme short-range and extreme long-range techniques, low kicks and sweeps, and “emergency techniques” to counter-attack when structure and centerline have been seriously compromised, such as when the practitioner is seriously injured. It unifies the 3 forms so far learned separately and teaches how to reverse a situation of disadvantage to an advantage.